Friday, January 17, 2014

I have a dream...with preschoolers!

Recently my husband and I were guests in my son's pre-kindergarten class.  We were asked to complete a project with the class that was appropriate for the theme and topic the class was working on at the time.

But what kind of project could we complete with preschoolers?

My husband is a woodworker so we came up with a simple project where the kids created a paper clip note holder.  He pre-cut blocks of wood and brought them to the class.  We divided the class in half.  He took one half of class (10 kids) and helped them personalize their wood block with their name (he brought metal letters that the kids tapped into the wood with a small hammer)

My half of the class worked on the "I have a dream" part of the assignment.  I had photocopied a cloud shape that had the phrase "I have a dream..." pre-printed on it.  I had the kids brainstorm what they dreamed they would be when they grew up.  They then would draw a picture of themselves doing that particular job.

The kids had a lot of fun with the project and loved that they each were able to go home with their finished note holder!

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